To obtain saturated and light grappa, the raw material is distilled three times at different temperatures.
In the alembic
In vacuum - to protect the natural flavors of grapes
In a water bath - to avoid burning the natural oils contained in the seeds
Distinctive features of Bottega Grappa
High quality
Low alcohol content
Sustainable production
Quality price ratio
(РУС) Производство
(РУС) Преимущества продукции
Для получения насыщенной и легкой граппы сырье перегоняется трижды при разных температурах.
В перегонном кубе
В вакууме - для защиты натуральных ароматов винограда
На водяной бане - чтобы избежать сжигания натуральных масел, содержащихся в семенах
Отличительные особенности граппы Bottega
Высокое качество
Низкое содержание алкоголя
Устойчивое производство
Соотношение цены качества
Quality and reliability
Qualified staff
A wide range of products
Certified products
Control of the Unified State Exam
Payment methods:
You can buy from us:
Strong alcohol Bottega at a price from 630 rub.:
Gin, Grappa, Liqueur;
Country: Italy.
Payment methods:
*Alcoholic beverages presented on the website can be purchased only at a point of delivery or at a wine shop located in Moscow. Retail sales are carried out on the basis of licenses for retail sale of alcoholic beverages. We do not deliver alcoholic beverages. The prohibition on remote sale of alcoholic beverages is established by Federal Law No. 171-FZ dated November 22, 1995 and Russian Government Resolution No. 612 dated September 27, 2007.