
Wine Voskevaz

Winery buys grapes in different regions of Armenia: Aragatsotn, Ararat plain and Vayots Dzor. About 30 hectares for the production of the best wine lines are in a permanent lease.

Where can I buy?

  • Vineyard

  • Winery

  • Team

The oenologist controls the suppliers of grapes at all stages, compensations for the green harvest are practiced. In the work with grape varieties, the main attention is paid to the autochthonous Areni and Voskehat, as well as to the selected variety Haghtanak. For the best wines, grapes are taken from old vines (up to 120 years). The winery is located in the historical region of origin of Voskehat (Kharji) variety, previously used for the production of Armenian sherry. In the future it is planned to restore one of the traditional terraced vineyards, located at the altitudes of about 1 600 meters, on the slopes of mountain Aragats.

In 2016 the main works on the reconstruction of the winery located in the village of Voskevaz were completed. Today, the project can produce 300-500 thousand bottles of wine per year. Grapes are crushed on modern pneumatic presses, for fermentation stainless steel tanks with temperature control are used. The most interesting part of the project is fermentation and aging of the wine in karases. Now Voskevaz Winery has 30 ancient amphoras of the last and the century before the last. Each year, new barrels are bought for the best wines (Armenian oak, 225 liters for red and 400 liters for white wines).

The project is managed by its owner David Hovhaanesyan. In the development of the tourist direction and style of the project, his brother, the famous artist Gagik Hovhannisyan, who lives permanently in the USA, helps him.

Quality and reliability
  • Qualified staff
  • A wide range of products
  • Certified products
  • Control of the Unified State Exam

Payment methods:

You can buy from us:

Wine Voskevaz at a price from 330 rub.:

  • Available: white, pink, red wines;
  • Fortress: from 12,5% to 16,0%.

Способы оплаты:

*Alcoholic beverages presented on the website can be purchased only at a point of delivery or at a wine shop located in Moscow. Retail sales are carried out on the basis of licenses for retail sale of alcoholic beverages. We do not deliver alcoholic beverages. The prohibition on remote sale of alcoholic beverages is established by Federal Law No. 171-FZ dated November 22, 1995 and Russian Government Resolution No. 612 dated September 27, 2007.