
Wine Fattoria di Calappiano

Fattoria di Calappiano, in Vinci, the territory of Montalbano, represents the historical and architectural heritage of the de'Medici family in Florence. Built around 1500, commissioned by Grand Duke Francesco de'Medichi, it was one of the first examples of a Tuscan farmhouse that grew grapes.

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Fattoria di Calappiano, in Vinci, the territory of Montalbano, represents the historical and architectural heritage of the de'Medici family in Florence. Built around 1500, commissioned by Grand Duke Francesco de'Medichi, it was one of the first examples of a Tuscan farmhouse that grew grapes. The farmhouse was later transferred to A.H. Savage Landor, the grandson of Walter Savage Landor, Shakespeare's biographer. Inside the house, old paintings, antique finds and memorabilia about his many travels to the East are still preserved. Today the farm belongs to the Sensi family.


Calappiano House is located in the Montalbano wine region, between the provinces of Florence, Prato and Pistoia, in a continental climate moderated by the influence of the Mediterranean Sea. It was in these places that Leonardo da Vinci was born.

Currently, the farm covers an area of ​​about 200 hectares, including vineyards, forests, olive groves and is a natural habitat for the local wildlife, as well as a smithy of excellence in the production of unique, both traditional and innovative wines.

  • (РУС) Усадьба Лэндора

  • (РУС) Регион Монтальбано

  • (РУС) Винная Ферма


Фермерский дом позже был передан А. Х. Сэвиджу Лэндору, внуку Уолтера Сэвиджа Лэндора - биографа Шекспира. Внутри дома до сих пор сохранились старые картины, античные находки и памятные вещи о его многочисленных путешествиях на Восток. Сегодня ферма принадлежит семье Сенси.


Дом Calappiano расположен в винодельческом регионе Монтальбано, между провинциями Флоренция, Прато и Пистойя, на территории с континентальным климатом, смягченным влиянием Средиземного моря. Именно в этих местах родился Леонардо да Винчи.


В настоящее время ферма занимает площадь около 200 гектаров, среди которых виноградники, леса, оливковые рощи и является естественной средой обитания для местной дикой природы, а также кузницей передового опыта по производству уникальных, как традиционных, так и инновационных вин.

Quality and reliability
  • Qualified staff
  • A wide range of products
  • Certified products
  • Control of the Unified State Exam

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You can buy from us:

Wine Fattoria di Calappiano at a price from 750 rub.:

  • Available: white, red wines;
  • Fortress: from 12,5% to 15,0%.

Payment methods:

*Alcoholic beverages presented on the website can be purchased only at a point of delivery or at a wine shop located in Moscow. Retail sales are carried out on the basis of licenses for retail sale of alcoholic beverages. We do not deliver alcoholic beverages. The prohibition on remote sale of alcoholic beverages is established by Federal Law No. 171-FZ dated November 22, 1995 and Russian Government Resolution No. 612 dated September 27, 2007.