
Russian Wines

The total area of vineyards of the Russian Federation according to data of the Ministry of Agriculture, following the results of 2015 is about 86 thousand hectares. The fruiting landings are slightly less than 70 thousand hectares (for comparison: the areas of vineyards only of one region Bordeaux in France exceed 180 thousand hectares). It is planned to increase the area of landings of the Russian vineyards to 140 thousand hectares by 2020. In 2015 2,837 thousand hectares have been put (most of all in Dagestan and in Krasnodar Region).

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  • Viticulture regions

  • Geography of winemaking

The largest winegrowing region of Russia is Kuban (Krasnodar Region) – about 26 thousand hectares. Dagestan follows it – 23,1 thousand hectares. The third region on the area of the Russian vineyards is the Crimea (about 18 thousand hectares). About 5 thousand hectares in the territory of the Crimean Peninsula are located in administrative borders of Sevastopol. 7,2 thousand hectares of vineyards are in the territory of Stavropol. One of vineyards with small areas, but extremely important for development of the Russian viticulture is the region of the Don valley (3 thousand hectares). About 1,8 thousand hectares of vineyards are in the Chechen republic (generally table varieties and small landings of technical in the Naursky district of Chechnya).

Two the smallest regions of modern Russian wine growing are valley of Terek (1,2 thousand hectares of vineyards), and the Lower Volga (the territory of the Astrakhan and Volgograd regions) – less than 300 hectares of vineyards.

One of key wine regions of Russia is Don valley. The continuous history of viticulture and winemaking on the high Right bank of Don is estimated for centuries. Here the oldest of nowadays existing wine-making appellations of Russia – the village Vedernikov are located, where vineyards are cultivated on the own roots and covered for the winter from frosts. The first mention of cultivation of grapes in the Vedernikov village and production of quality wines including sparkling wines has been published 260 years ago (the "Monthly Compositions Employees to Advantage and Entertainment " magazine, the article "About Cultivation of Grapes", Academy of Sciences of SPb July, 1756). The main value of the Don winemaking is indigenous varieties of grapes. Krasnostop Zolotovsky, Tsimlyansky Cherny, Sibirkovy and other indigenous varieties comes exactly from here.

The region of Sevastopol is the most perspective region in the Crimea for creation of wines in classical stylistics. Rather cool climate with long dry and warm autumn, soil structure with prevalence of limy breeds more than hundred years defines the choice of the best Sevastopol wine makers in favor of the European varieties. One of historical terroir of Riesling in Russia – Alkadar is located exactly here. Cabernet Sauvignon and also varieties of Southern France aren’t less perspective in Sevastopol. First of all, Sirah. Traditionally important white variety of grape in all territory of the Crimea is Kokur.

The largest wine-making sub region in Russia is the Taman Peninsula of Kuban. Large wineries are located here, in which vineyards are presented a huge diversity of grape varieties. It opens great opportunities for author's experiments in creation interesting and at the same time inexpensive wines.

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Russian Wines at a price from 160 rub.:

  • Available: red, white, wines;
  • Popular Brands: #blabla, Oleg Repin, Phantom.

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*Alcoholic beverages presented on the website can be purchased only at a point of delivery or at a wine shop located in Moscow. Retail sales are carried out on the basis of licenses for retail sale of alcoholic beverages. We do not deliver alcoholic beverages. The prohibition on remote sale of alcoholic beverages is established by Federal Law No. 171-FZ dated November 22, 1995 and Russian Government Resolution No. 612 dated September 27, 2007.